Change, Emotional, Habits, Hypnotherapy, Self development, wellbeing


LISTEN TO ME WATCH ME Only about a year or so ago I had a Reiki session, and I thought this is a great thing to do alongside what I do already.  I have been able to blend it into my sessions and help my clients have additional healing support in the sessions. Some of… Continue reading REIKI

Change, Emotional, Habits, Hypnotherapy, Self development, wellbeing


LISTEN TO ME WATCH ME After I had trained fully to be a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I then continued in my professional development and started doing regular masterclasses to explore different approaches that worked with or alongside hypnotherapy. When I did a course in EMDR it was one of those amazing moments when you just know… Continue reading EMDR

Change, Emotional, Habits, Hypnotherapy, Self development, wellbeing


LISTEN TO ME WATCH ME Over 30 years ago I tried hypnotherapy and was blown away by how it made me feel. I had suffered from anxiety for so many years and had a lot of issues I needed help with. I had tried counselling and psychotherapy without much success and was feeling deflated and… Continue reading Hypnosis

Change, Emotional, Habits, Hypnotherapy, Self development, wellbeing


LISTEN TO ME WATCH ME For many of us we have many chapters in our lives and finding our way to move through these will help us make the most of our lives and give us more time in the now.  It is often very hard to work things through, come to terms with things… Continue reading Start

Change, Emotional, Habits, Hypnotherapy, Self development, wellbeing


LISTEN TO ME WATCH ME Over the last few blogs, we have been looking at ways to help become a calmer person by not letting underlying habits trigger internalised anxiety responses. Our minds are black and white and even if we are pretending to ourselves that we feel ok, our inner minds won't believe what… Continue reading Denial

Change, Emotional, Habits, Hypnotherapy, Self development, wellbeing


LISTEN TO ME WATCH ME Anxiety can be increased within us in many different ways and the last few blogs have been looking at this. Avoidance can be a massive instigator of increased anxiety within you. Your mind is amazing, but it is always looking to protect you. If you are avoiding things then your… Continue reading Avoid

Change, Emotional, Habits, Hypnotherapy, Self development, wellbeing


LISTEN TO ME WATCH ME The last couple of blogs were about worries and anxiety, and how many different habits you might have developed that maybe negatively impact these levels. Moving away from anxiety will not only mean letting go of worries, but it will also lead you to live life in several different ways.… Continue reading Reassure

Addiction, Anxiety, Change, Confidence, Depression, Emotional, Fear, Habits, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, MindHealth App, Phobia, Self development, therapy, wellbeing, Worry

The Personal Therapist in your pocket

The MindHealth App The MindHealth App has been carefully and thoughtfully, created, designed and developed by Sara Stevens, and successfully launched for download in 2021 on Apple and Android devices. The MindHealth App has been designed to act as your ‘personal therapist in your pocket’ and provides a vast number of tools and therapies to… Continue reading The Personal Therapist in your pocket

Change, Emotional, Habits, Hypnotherapy, Self development, wellbeing


LISTEN TO ME WATCH ME We discussed in the last blog ‘Worries’, about these pesky worry habits, plus the way you are living your life which could be increasing your internal worry and anxiety levels. This blog will look at how to fill the spaces, that worry, reassurance, denial, and avoidance, may have left within… Continue reading Forget

Change, Emotional, Habits, Hypnotherapy, Self development, wellbeing


LISTEN TO ME WATCH ME We all get worried from time to time and that is quite normal. But if we are allowing this to take over and become a habit then this will negatively impact how we feel. The thing about worrying is that the more we worry, the more worried we can feel.… Continue reading Worries