Change, Confidence, Self development


Life is precious and over the last couple of years, I think we all have had some level of a wake-up call. This being the case, it’s important that we take full advantage of how this makes our minds feel and respond on those deeper levels.  Our minds are just so habitual, even if we think they aren’t and that we are super spontaneous. On a deeper level that isn’t the case, especially for our unconscious minds and the thousands of automatic habits and responses, we have every day. Changing from learned and conditioned habits takes time and we have to firstly remove the conditioned responses and then start developing the new habits. Have you ever done this while driving; you end up going down a familiar route instead of where you have planned to go? Or find yourself doing things in the house that you don’t need to do but it’s something you normally always do? This is the pleasure of having all of the amazing, unconscious, automatic, processes of our mind, that remembers what it thinks we should be doing and just gets on doing these things, without us having to make any conscious decisions in choosing to do these things.

All of these functions make life so much easier for us, which is fantastic, but the downside is changing can be harder because of the resistance to break these old habits and patterns. This is why now is an ideal time to jump-start your life and make new changes, as our minds have been scrambled and those old norms are no longer, and new ways of thinking and reacting are still in flux. While our mind is in this transition state, making changes is much easier, as the pull of those automatic habits and responses are less. With this being the case, forming new habits in these times gives us the jump start we might just need to make amazing life changes. If our minds are not sure what they should be doing, we can direct our minds much more easily and effect positive change, while starting the process of forming new positive habits. Your mind will need a plan, so another thing that will help you to jump-start positive change is to set a plan in place, thus helping your mind see where you are choosing to go. Old school pen to paper can be good or create a mood board/vision board about where you’re going with your changes. Also putting the things you will be doing in your diary, will help your mind stay more focused on those new habits. With all of these things, each time you see the reminder or the vision board, it’s a positive reminder to your mind about what it needs to do. This will really help your mind get on board with the changes you are making.

If you have tried to change things in the past, you might have felt limited by old habits and patterns pulling you back from changing. At present though, in times like this, our inner guard is down, as normal is not normal anymore, so change is much more easily seen as the best route to follow. Don’t let your mind trick you into just treading water or waiting for tomorrow to come, it never does, and we can get stuck in this negative holding pattern as well. Jump starting a new and better version of yourself in these times of flux and transition, is a great way to change some of those old stubborn habits. We all know at times change can be hard, so why not take advantage of this time of non-normal and jump-start ourselves and our lives into a new and better place. Remember that it is a rare time, and if we don’t grab it with both hands and make those plans for us to move in these new happier and healthier directions, then this window of opportunity won’t be around for long. If we don’t fill it with what we choose to do, then our unconscious minds will do it for us. Our minds will just trawl back through those old limiting habits and start bringing those back to the forefront of our minds. If we let this happen then we will miss this window of opportunity, then when we finally get to start the process of change, not only do we have to push ourselves to change, but we also have to push against the habits and automations that will get reset within us.

If we’re honest with ourselves and dedicate time every day, then changing can come easily. Being honest means, we can’t look to change for other people, we have to change for what we want to do. Half-hearted changes will produce a half-hearted outcome. Striving high but also choosing an achievable goal is the best way to move forward. Also, don’t bite off more than you can chew and make the plan in stages; this will also help you change more easily. If the goals seem too daunting then we can easily just reset the process of change, but if we break it down into bite-size pieces, our minds will feel more motivated and safer in the process of changing.

Don’t put it off, JUMP start your life today. Sara

2 thoughts on “Jump”

  1. I always put off a career change with the excuse of commitments such as mortgage etc, now I’m free of the commitment I am struggling to move forward from where I am. My confidence is absent.


    1. It’s that avoidant fear that has built up that is getting in your way . You can go to the App Store or google play and down load my App MindHealth. On the hypnosis session section you can use the Grow your Confidence session . Then make a plan get your CV sorted, look at job opportunities. Work on your interview techniques. Everything you do will help mind feel safer to move forward . Plus it will help your confidence start to grow. Sara


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